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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mommy, I really love your underwear.....

I really have to start noting down the funny things Abby is saying these days. Her ability to say things is increasing by leaps and bounds everyday. A couple of today's funny statements were "Mommy, I really love your underwear. They are very much pretty." - of course I was going pee at the time, and while saying this she stroked them like one would do when shopping for clothes. I have a feeling the girls compare underwear at the daycare, and I guess my pink Jockeys are da bomb!! The other thing she said was when I mentioned that I was going to make potatoes for dinner (which she rarely eats at home). She said "I don't like potatoes at Mommy's house. I eat all my potatoes at Mo-Mo's, I like her potatoes, I eat them all up!" Ok, so what am I doing, or not doing to the potatoes....? Hey I can count on Gillian, she'll eat everything!

I thought i would joint Designer Digitals 30 days of Photos group on Flickr. I'm not guarenteeing that I'll take a photo a day, but I'll try. Now that I'm at work, I'm taking less photos, which is sad.

Tomorrow is Gillian's 1 year Dr's appointment. I'll see how much she weighs and she'll get her vaccinations. She is doing so well, it should be a pretty quick appointment. She is teething all over the place now, her bottom incisors are pushing through right now, along with her upper molars and two front teeth. Needless to say she was up screaming for almost 2 hours last night. Surprisingly I felt pretty good all day and didn't hit the sleep deprivation wall at 2:00 pm as I usually do! (I think it was the 4 cups of coffee...).

Anyway, off to play with Photoshop!!


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