Update on Gillian and New Music
So I'll start with the not so good news. We visited the Pediatric Dentist yesterday. We were referred because of the strange things going on in her mouth (see this post for more details). It turns out that she has 6 incisors instead of 4. The two that are pushing in where her front central incisors are are the extras, so what looks like are her lateral incisors are in fact her central. and her lateral incisors are beside those. Her canines are pushing through normally and are just about to erupt. Because of this the dentist recommend that we pull the extra set out now, to give her mouth a chance to develop normally by the canines pushing in. He recommended that we pull the outermost lateral incisors because he didn't think that if we pulled the extra central incisors the canines would push the centrals in enough and there would be a pretty huge gap there until her adult teeth come. So the two extra central will become her new central and what is supposed to be her central will become the lateral (make sense??) Here is a picture of a normal mouth and the positioning of baby teeth to get an idea what I'm talking about:So the procedure involves wiggling and yanking, and as much as it sounds quite unpleasant is quick and because she is so young shouldn't cause her too much pain or scar her memory too much. I just won't be able to be in the room when they do it... Eric will have to be the brave one. I just hope she doesn't suffer at all... Luckily her bottom teeth are coming in normally, and we'll have to wait until she is about 5 to see what her adult teeth may do. The Dr was really fantastic and I'm glad we were referred to him!
Anyway such is life. On a lighter note:
I discovered that I love the music of Colbie Caillat. Check her out!
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