Anniversary and weekend festivities
It was Eric and my 4th year anniversary on Thursday. I got him a watch while in Houston, and he got us tickets to see Wicked at the NAC, at nice cook book and a very yummy dessert from Les Fougeres in Chelsea. The photographer who took all the photos for the book, Andrew VanBeek, was our photographer for our wedding, so it all tied together nicely!
Saturday morning we just hung around the house, doing errands and working around the house. Eric got started on the screen porch door, and I cleaned and did laundry - fun!! Gillian found a fun game to play, called "Balancing Act", and discovered the sport of climbing:
Saturday night was the night we had the tickets, so we had Eric's mom come over to sit. We went for dinner at Milestones in the market, which was good as always. Then we headed over to the show. It was amazing! I'm sure all of those who have seen it can agree that it was a perfect mix of comedy, romance and wonderful singing! It was probably my second favourite show now, the first being Phantom of the Opera.
Sunday afternoon we went to our friend Mandy and Danny's cottage which was a lot of fun. Abby played with Ali and Mitchell and Gillian just followed them around talking "Gillian Talk"Then today we had breakfast with our friends Steve and Lorna, who were visiting from Calgary. They were at the cottage yesterday and ended up staying over at our place last night. So we cooked up a nice pancake breakfast and had a really nice visit. Just before lunch the girls were going a little nuts, so we decided to take them for a walk in the woods, before Gillian bit off another piece of Abby's face (did I mention that Saturday was a big biting day for Gillian - she was out of control!! It was a tough day, thank got we got to go out!). It was getting close to lunchtime, so Gillian ended up falling asleep in the carrier, so Eric went ahead and just took her back to bed, and Abby and I did the "toddler speed" hike.
Finally I prepared a nice dinner for us all - Roasted chicken with mushroom artichoke wine sauce on a bed of couscous, roasted peppers and cauliflower, steamed green beans and a corn on the cob. It was very yummy! The only bad part was halfway through I dropped a small saucer and it shattered and sliced open my hand. Ouch! Maybe it wasn't so bad because then I didn't have to clean up, because I couldn't get it wet! But it's throbbing now, so I'll sign off and re-bandage it (Eric is no nurse....) and get ready for work tomorrow.
Busy, busy, busy. I'm so hungry and your dinner sounded yummy. Any leftovers?
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