Good weekend
Except for the rain yesterday it was a good weekend. I went to a friend's 50th birthday party last night, which was really fun. I have photos which I'll post later! I spent most of the time ogling at her 5800 sq ft house!! Holy Cow it was huge, and beautiful!! I'm not sure I'd be able to function with so much space. I'd probably never see Eric or the kids... we'd each have our own wing! Anyway, the party was fun, girls only so there were 14 of us ranging in age from 23 to 50+. It really got me to thinking about the importance of girlfriends and how important it is to maintain those relationships, no matter how hard it may be because of time or other reasons. It's not to say we have to do things together all the time - that is impossible, but maintain those ties and relationships, and keep them up no matter what is going on in our lives be it kids, work or whatever! I wish to be surrounded by those who have been important to me at my 50th, and I look forward to the good times from now until then and beyond! Anyway up for a spa night???
Anyway, one of the 2 most important girls in my life:
Hi Christine,
I agree totally on the girlfriends thing. I always saw these ladies at my gym and they'd go to the gym in the morning, then go out for coffee, shopping or whatever after. Wow.
I love the LO you did. Kind of Ali Edwards-ish in places, but you have made it your own. I don't know what's with me, but I was getting misty-eyed when I read the journaling!
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