All day Chat and it's HOT!
Yesterday was an all day chat even at Designer Digitals. It was fun, and they gave out freebies every hour, which Beth and I got most of, (thanks Beth for the 5-11 haul!). I did this page with some of it (I really hate this photo of me, but LOVE it of Abby):
Then last night was a 40th birthday party for our friend Wendy. It was a surprise party (although I think she knew in the end), and a good time was had by all - especially her, I think she will be in rough shape this morning! Again it was fun to see how close friends are so important in your life, just like the party last week.
Today we spent at home, only going out to have breakfast in Wakefield. It's very humid and hot today. It's so much cooler inside than out, that around noon, all of our windows started fogging up from outside, The temperature was up to about 26, and I think it shot up fast resulting in the fog.
We just spend the rest of the day playing (kids) and doing stuff that needed to get done, laundry, tidy up, organize the kids clothes (swapping some summer for fall/winter stuff) and baking cookies. I also tried to take some photos of the girls, while not many turned out, because they were blurry, these did:

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