...so tired...can't stay up....
I've been missing from bloggyland for the week because I've been so very tired! I can't stay up past 9 and the kids go to bed at 8 pm now so there's no time to do anything computer wise! I've been sleeping like a LOG, which is rare these days because of either me having to go to the toilet all night long, or the kids waking us up. And usually when I wake up around 4 am, my brain starts going and I can't get back to sleep. Although I haven't blogged all week, I have managed to take a photo each day for the past 6 days. It's so much easier now that the sun is out later and it's starting to warm up, I'm not reduced to always taking the same kind of photo - dark and gray! I get to take photos of apples now (which I thought fitting for St. Pattie's day!):
Anyway, I've been trying to complete my freeze action portion of my photography class assignment and I think I finally succeeded tonight. You see, I've been trying for 3 nights with Abby as my model to get the combo of shutter speed and aperture right. (I mean trying as in 5-10 min while dinner cooks, so not a lot of time invested really) I've been shooting strickly in manual (except when the big flash is on top... have to figure that one out) to learn it and it's been a real challenge to get it right. Practice will make perfect!

Finally tonight, captured one that froze the action
and wasn't blurry!
Off to bed now!
ETA: You just have to check out this site: The Big Picture - now THAT is freeze action!!! (love the photography on this site, just stunning!)
I like the one of Abby crouching on the kitchen floor, but the hair standing up is great! Her smile really reminds me of Eric in that photo.
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