I really don't know what hit me...
On Thursday morning, I woke up feeling so exhausted! I didn't know what was wrong with me. By noon, I wasn't feeling to well, had little appetite, and just wanted to lie down. I went to visit my mom in the hospital later in the afternoon (she had a knee replacement this week), and I almost passed out while there. I thought it was because I hadn't eaten much during the day and had some blood taken for the IPS. I managed to make it home and we put the kids to sleep, and I crashed on the couch. By midnight I was throwing up. I'll spare the gory details, but it lasted until 5:00 am. I felt SO ill all of Friday, didn't eat anything other than water and Gatorade. I could barely make it out of bed, let alone downstairs to get something.. it was hell! Today is Sunday and my calves are still cramping up when I walk up the stairs and I'm out of breath when I do so, but I'm on the mend. The weird thing is that I have no clue what I got. Was it the 24 flu, if so why didn't anyone else get it?? If it was food poisoning I can't for the life of me think of what I would have eaten?? What I do find weird is that for each pregnancy, I've gone through this at least once. Is it some weird right of passage or something? Some way to test my body in what its going to go through? Who knows, whatever it is, it sucks!
Our challenge for this week was to include our husbands in our photos. As I was out of commission for 3 solid days, I didn't take too many photos this week! But here is what I have:
Here are some other random ones from the past week or so. Gilly playing around, first running - I know - BAD - but they just love to run from the door to the living room, and back. No blood yet. And pretending to sleep - love the belly shot!
I have some from painting today, but I'm in the middle of backing up so I can't download them yet. Hope to get some up later. Bye for now!
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