Concentration and Projects, and Friday Photo Challenge
I can't concentrate anymore. I think it's because I'm pregnant, have two young kids, work full time, and still have all the chores to do in between all of that during the week. When you take pregnancy out of the picture, then it becomes much easier, because I have energy, I sleep better and I exercise more. It's amazing what taking those three things away from you can do to your ability to concentrate. And really it's not only the concentration, it's the memory (mine is shot), my creativity drains out of me (notice no scrapping and fewer photos these days...) and mood deteriorates significantly (I'll save that dicey subject for another post!). It doesn't help that I read a million blogs (well not that many but enough) and surf the scrapbook pages at Designer Digitals. So that takes up a lot of precious time also. But when I do find a page or something I really like at DD, like this POSTER I think - So cool, I want to do this, it's so simple!! Yet requires concentration!! So last night I saw this. Opened Photoshop, created a new 16 X 20 300 dpi document..... and, then that was that... I realized it was 8:45 pm, I was totally exhausted from the week, so I resigned myself to watching a few shows we had taped, then went to bed at 10 pm. So another project for the project list! I won't even bother update you on project 365. I think I'll rename it project 25 (as in 25 days, hahahah!)
Last weeks Friday Photo Challenge (which I realized just now that I didn't post on my blog!!) was a composition one, focusing on symmetry or repetition. Here are my two for the challenge:
Oh... here comes Gillian, looks like computer time is over! Can't wait to see your photos! Have a good weekend.
Those are really good Chris, I like the white ball. How did you do that?? I did something similar this week but it didn't really turn out. I will post later today.
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