Last week's update this week
In my last post I said I was going to go backwards from last Tuesday... well I didn't make it more than one day. I was pretty tired for the rest of the week and was falling asleep around 8 pm each night - Fun! So I'll just go over the highlights. Starting with the most important one:
We had our second ultrasound for Baby#3 and all was good. The tech. said that the baby was very healthy from all the measurements and that nothing was out of the ordinary, which is always a relief! Part way through the ultrasound, Eric asked the all important question of "Have you seen a penis yet??" to which the tech. replied... "Ugh... no not yet... I think it's going to be like your other two..." So she zoomed it and pointed out all the girl parts, to which Eric replied "are you sure that's not a penis and balls?" and the tech replies - "It's not." So that is that, we are having another girl!! What craziness is 3 girls going to bring us, I can't even imagine! Abby and Gillian are so fun, it can only get more fun! Here are a couple ultrasound pics (not the greatest but you get the point):The morning of March 23rd, I did Shawna's second maternity shoot. She was much bigger so it was much better for getting the shots right. I liked the shots from the first session, but felt they would be even better when she grew near the end. Here are some samples from that session:

got to figure out what's up with that??!!)

1. Don't crop in so tight all the time, I need to make room for cropping in PS;
2. Turn subject into the light! duh!
3. Iron backdrop! Or get seamless paper;
4. Need 24-70 lens... I think I've mentioned that one already.
Now I need to find a next willing subject for a shoot - Anyone game??
Congrats!! You are going to have to go for 4 now :0)
Love the mat shots, the 3rd one is really good, the sepia one. And yes I see the white sheet! At my workshop they had rolls of paper hanging from the ceiling, that might work?
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