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Monday, August 31, 2009

Nutty Weekend

So this weekend was a weekend I don't need to re-live. It rained the entire time, the kids were NUTS - like "Where can I return them" nuts. I love them to death, of course would never return them for real ( ha!), but really, I think I was having another nice postpartum hormone flush, because I was basically in tears all morning Sunday. Very little sleep for two nights adds to that too... Then we are having a terrible time the the girls and sleeping. Gillian is up EVERY night at one point, usually 1:30 am screaming and lost, and needs to be straightened out in bed and re-tucked in. It wakes Abby up, so she starts to cry and so on. Then Gillian is up and yelling at the baby gate at the door EVERY morning between 4:30 - 5:00 am. This of course wakes Abby up, who joins her in her chorus of "let me out, I want milk!!". Madison, the newborn is almost sleeping better than those two at this point which is sad. So I went out on Saturday, and bought an alarm clock for the girls room. New rule is that they aren't allowed to come out until 6:00 am. Right now that means lots of screaming between 5:00 and 6:00 am, but we need to stick to our guns and be consistent for them to start to understand. When they do, be it in a week or in a month, the time will change to 6:30. Gillian, has more trouble understanding the concept, but we just need to keep repeating ourselves for her to get it.

As for the baby, she is an angel! So far so good, at 11 days old she is a wonderful little baby! (I'm knocking on wood right now...) She feeds really really well, and perhaps I feel it's so good because I had such trouble with Gillian (I think she was tongue tied enough to cause problems) , so the fact that I'm not in excruciating pain from sores and blocked ducts is a miracle! She sleeps well, seems to be rather consistent, and only cries when she is read to eat. But hey, it all may change at any moment, so I'm really enjoying it and making sure I don't take it for granted!


Abigail LOVES her new baby sister - can't get enough of her!

Gillian, looking very tired, stops for the camera!

Abby is very proud to hold her (luckily she didn't pee!)

Nana loves to hold Madison also!

Thankfully it's Monday, kids are at daycare so that gives me a little time to recoup from the weekend and hopefully plan a better weekend to come. It really is my fault for not organizing things for us to do, and on a rainy weekend it's deadly! I slept pretty well last night, don't ask me the stats as I don't remember how long/how often I was up. All I know is that I feel relatively rested and ready to face the day!


Anonymous August 31, 2009 at 10:45 PM  

One day the kids will sleep, I promise! I'm sorry it is so tough right now. You will get through it!

I can't wait to come and visit you.

I hope you get many fabulous, sleep-filled nights.

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