Takin' it easy...
Monday was a chill out day. And a well deserved one! We were all going a bit nuts, especially the girls. I stayed home all day with the girls and Eric only ventured out once to go for his run. The girls had great naps, and so did I which I really needed since I almost passed out while making dinner the night before!
We painted, watered the plants (which I only mention because I NEVER water the plants anymore - I have no idea how they are surviving!!), didn't do laundry, and played in the sprinkler (which Gillian has a love/hate relationship with...)
Nothing like watering the fowers na-k-ed!
A nice relaxing day all around. We also took advantage of the fact that it was sunny and spent most of the day outside (note Abby's legs - and the mosquito bites!).
Today was back to work for me, Eric still had today off. I was a little freaked out about biking to work because a woman was sexually assaulted on the bike path I take, right along the route I take each day! It's nuts how I can't even feel safe riding in the middle of the day. I really wonder what is wrong with people and the human race - are there just too many of us and that our genetic makeup isn't able to handle the expansion of our-selves, as a result there are more and more nuts out there... just a thought.
Anyway it' wasn't all doom and gloom, because we FINALLY got a new washer and dryer! For the record I will never buy anything from Colonial again. It was a total nightmare trying to get this resolved and they seriously dropped the ball here. And it wasn't only Colonial who messed up, it was also the warranty repair place and Frigidaire! They all screwed up here and we were the ones who suffered! The ironic thing is that the delivery guys had no idea how to install and stack our washer and dryer, which is what happened the first time around - it took 3 visits by 6 different guys to simply stack the machines!! Obviously a high IQ is not required for that job!
I'm just happy I can finally wash my clothes again! I definitely owe my parents and Eric's parents a lot for putting up with us coming over and doing load after load of laundry! Thanks!!
So tonight is my labour day. 3 years ago tonight, Eric and I went over to my parents house to wait out the 12 wait for Abigail to arrive.
Here I am in the triage room - in full force of labour!
And a couple of hours later.
It's amazing her mouth still looks the same,
as do her fingers and eyes!
Today was back to work for me, Eric still had today off. I was a little freaked out about biking to work because a woman was sexually assaulted on the bike path I take, right along the route I take each day! It's nuts how I can't even feel safe riding in the middle of the day. I really wonder what is wrong with people and the human race - are there just too many of us and that our genetic makeup isn't able to handle the expansion of our-selves, as a result there are more and more nuts out there... just a thought.
Anyway it' wasn't all doom and gloom, because we FINALLY got a new washer and dryer! For the record I will never buy anything from Colonial again. It was a total nightmare trying to get this resolved and they seriously dropped the ball here. And it wasn't only Colonial who messed up, it was also the warranty repair place and Frigidaire! They all screwed up here and we were the ones who suffered! The ironic thing is that the delivery guys had no idea how to install and stack our washer and dryer, which is what happened the first time around - it took 3 visits by 6 different guys to simply stack the machines!! Obviously a high IQ is not required for that job!
I'm just happy I can finally wash my clothes again! I definitely owe my parents and Eric's parents a lot for putting up with us coming over and doing load after load of laundry! Thanks!!
So tonight is my labour day. 3 years ago tonight, Eric and I went over to my parents house to wait out the 12 wait for Abigail to arrive.

It's amazing her mouth still looks the same,
as do her fingers and eyes!
Tomorrow we'll be celebrating Abby turning 3!

Bye for now!
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