Abby's funny of the day
I went to my parents for dinner last night and on the way home, the girls were babbling in the back seat. Gillian was chewing on her toes, so Abby thought she should to then said this:
"My toes don't like my teeth, but my tongue likes my toes"
what a nut!
We've just been running errands that past couple of days. Eric ordered the new screen door for our screen porch, he also fixed up a few things around the house and most importantly managed to get the store where we bought our now broken washer from to commit to giving us a replacement or loaner by Tuesday (I'll believe them when I see it!!) . I got my hair cut yesterday and coloured. I went for a darker brown-red. I'll post a photo if I get a chance to take one today.
Eric is off to do his crash-boat volunteer for the GRYC today, and I'm with the girls. Maybe we'll do some shopping as I'd love to get a few more tops for work and something to wear to the baptism tomorrow.
Have a good Saturday!!
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