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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Our Daughter is Born!

She arrived on Thursday August 20th, at 5:23 after (thankfully) a few short hours of labour. Luckily we were smarter this time and decided to go to the hospital a little earlier! Contractions started at 5:00 am, but subsided around 7:00 am, so I thought it was a false start at first. But around noon, they started back up again, light, manageable, but still regular - every 6 min or so. Around 1:30 - 2:00 pm, they were getting slightly closer together - 5 min 30 sec, and a little stronger, so Eric suggested that we head into the hospital. Of course I thought - too early, but I'll entertain him and we'll go and they'll tell us to go home. We arrived at the hospital at about 3:00 pm, and sitting at the triage desk was Heather, the nurse we had when we delivered Abigail - who in fact was the person who delivered her, because our Dr was not exactly in the room when she came out... we had fun catching up chatting while they monitored me. The resident came in and checked me to see how far along I was, and to every ones surprise, I was between 7-8 cm. So I was admitted at about 3:45, and as soon as we went to the L & D room, it really started to pick up. The Dr came, broke my water around 5:15, and then came Madison Elizabeth, at 5:23 cord wrapped around her neck -twice. But thankfully the Dr had it all under control and she was fine. Here are her first few images from the hospital:


Anonymous August 23, 2009 at 10:31 AM  

Wow! She is so adorable, I wish I could see you both in person. Love her cheeks and the photo of her asleep on your chest. I hope things are going well with the other 2 girls and the new addition.

Anonymous August 23, 2009 at 1:02 PM  

What a cutie, and you are a labour and delivery machine! They should study you!
Take care of yourself and make Eric do that, too!

Christine August 23, 2009 at 8:30 PM  

Wow Christine! She is finally here! You look so content in the picture of you and Madison Elizabeth.

Hope to see you soon.


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