Getting used to it again...
Sleepless nights, sore bobbies, on demand feeding, and did I mention sleepless nights...?? Actually it's all fun and all worth it, Madison is a cute, adorable hugable little girl! She feeds well and really does sleep well, all she does so far. But really at 5 days old what do you expect! Abby and Gillian just adore her, and want to be with her ALL the time. Abby wants to hold her and gets mad at me when I put her down for a nap in her bed. Gillian is very gentle with her, will give her hugs and loves to hold her, but is content playing on her own most of the time. Eric is doing a fantastic job of taking care of the girls, making our meals and supporting me as we get through these first few weeks, unfortunately he has to go back to work in September... so back to reality after that! Here is a shot I just took:
We can't really decide/figure out who she looks like. Abby and Gilly were so distinctly Eric, but Madison is much different. Who do you think she looks like the most?
I have my studio all set up for some photos today, I hope to post some nice ones tonight... other than that, nothing else on the agenda today! Just chillin' with baby!
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