Tuesday Update
I see my posts are getting farther and farther apart!! Yikes! I just can't wait to be done work. I work, get home put the kids to bed, then fall asleep - earlier and earlier. I want to update my blog with all the fun and exciting things going on, but I just can't muster the energy! I'm doing this now just before I leave for work...I'll just be a few minutes late I guess :) Blogging is more important! hahaha!
Here is a bullet form recap of what has gone on in the past week:
- Had my Dr's appoitment, and everything is going well, I'm up another 3 lbs. No diabetes with is good to report;
- Gillian had her eye check up, she is doing well so far. No treatment necessary yet.
- I booked a couple more "shoots" for my portfolio, so I really look forward to those;
- My dad helped me build a floor platform for use in shooting... I'll take a photo of it today and post later. It's beautiful and can't wait to try it out!
- Abby started her soccer group, an informal group of parents who have organized soccer for the 3-4yr range. Soccer Chelsea only starts for kids 5 and older. I didn't get to go, but Eric went and said it was fun. She came home chanting a cheer, which was really cute;
I didn't get a chance to take my backlighting photo for the photo challenge this week, as it was pretty cloudy all week.
And couldn't possibly go without posting a photo:

Have a good Tuesday!
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