Man it's HOT!!!
So there is a little heat wave passing through here, and with not having air conditioning makes it even harder to take. Luckily where we live it's always a few degrees cooler than in the city, but still 35 degrees C (95 F) (42 C with humidex (107 F)) is damn hot, no mater where you are! We are fortunate to have close access to the river, and so over the weekend we spend time at Eric's parents place for some swimming and fun in the sun. It was Gillian's first time in the river, and she loved it! Giggled, splashed around, dunked herself in and all in 19 degree C (68 F) water! Abby, being a bit older, got to go swimming off the end of the dock with me. We had her in her water wings floating in a round tube with slots for her legs. At first she was screaming that it was too cold, but once she got used to it, we couldn't keep her out!After swimming we ended up staying for dinner, and finally celebrating Gillian's first birthday. Eric ran home to get the cake we had made for her that morning and ate up!

(No comments on the cake... I'm can not decorate
cakes to save my life!! But I don't care she still has
a smile on her face!)

Sunday was to be another hot one. We started the day with a nice brunch at my parents place to visit with some old friends of ours. Before they came, we had my mom gave Gillian a little gift, which we got to open, well which Abby got to open!

And FINALLY... after not turning on my computer for 2 days last week (GASP!), I've done a layout! I'm so slow :)

The close-ups of Gillian are adorable!
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