Happy Birthday Eric
So this post is a couple of days late. We celebrated Eric's 39th birthday on Wednesday night! Hi parents were a godsend, because at 10:00 am I received a phone call from Gail offering to make Eric's favourite meal (spare-ribs) and bring it over for supper! I was so happy because all I was going to serve up were burgers and fries... not very ingenious for a birthday dinner. We all had a wonderful meal and even better dessert - Birthday Cake!!:

(at least I think it was maple..??)

out the candles.
All in all it was a fun celebration for Eric and I'm so thankful that his Mom helped me out, because I couldn't pull anything fun together while at work! I'll be doing something special for him this weekend... more to follow.
Abby has started to declare that she is a "Good Talker". She usually babbles away on the way home from daycare and the other day she said "Mommy, you can eat Daddy's Happy Birthday Cake with your fingers, ok." It wasn't really a question, but really her giving me permission to use my fingers to eat it. You see we are always harping on her to use her cutlery instead of shovelling the food into her mouth with her hand, and we are pretty much loosing the battle. Anyway, today's declaration was that "Abby's happy birthday is in August" followed by "Daddy's happy birthday is in June". Mine is apparently in August too, but when I told her it was November she said "Noverbember". Followed by "Mommy, I a good talker..."
The big news about Gillian is that she apparently walked across the room at Phyls place. She had been standing up all by herself and then just walked across the room. So she is getting there. Slowely but surly she will walk! I can also report that her top molars are now coming in. Her two front teeth have all but stopped in their tracks, just sticking out a little, I guess they are taking a break while the molars push in...
Here is a page I did "celebrating" Gillian's funny little personality. People have said on numerous occasions that she will be a little joker, because she is always smiling and giggling. It's particularly funny when Abby is having one of her 2-year-old moments and crying for whatever reason, and Gillian just looks at her with a straight face, then just starts laughing at her. I know she isn't being mean, but it's so cute to see!

Abby has started to declare that she is a "Good Talker". She usually babbles away on the way home from daycare and the other day she said "Mommy, you can eat Daddy's Happy Birthday Cake with your fingers, ok." It wasn't really a question, but really her giving me permission to use my fingers to eat it. You see we are always harping on her to use her cutlery instead of shovelling the food into her mouth with her hand, and we are pretty much loosing the battle. Anyway, today's declaration was that "Abby's happy birthday is in August" followed by "Daddy's happy birthday is in June". Mine is apparently in August too, but when I told her it was November she said "Noverbember". Followed by "Mommy, I a good talker..."
The big news about Gillian is that she apparently walked across the room at Phyls place. She had been standing up all by herself and then just walked across the room. So she is getting there. Slowely but surly she will walk! I can also report that her top molars are now coming in. Her two front teeth have all but stopped in their tracks, just sticking out a little, I guess they are taking a break while the molars push in...
Here is a page I did "celebrating" Gillian's funny little personality. People have said on numerous occasions that she will be a little joker, because she is always smiling and giggling. It's particularly funny when Abby is having one of her 2-year-old moments and crying for whatever reason, and Gillian just looks at her with a straight face, then just starts laughing at her. I know she isn't being mean, but it's so cute to see!

And that's it for the last few days! On to the weekend!
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