Happy New Year!
I woke up this morning with the determination that I was going to update my blog. Everyday I have so many ideas of what to write in the blog, but so little free time, that it never gets done! The kids and their amazing "mommy's on the computer" radar keeps me from writing. Then they go to bed, and I fall asleep. So needless to say, New Years was not excatly a rockin' late party here. We had our friend over for supper, they have young twins (5 months old) and a 2 1/2 year old so they also crashed early. But it was fun to get together, eat and have a few drinks regardless of what time we stayed up until.
On New Years Day Eric and I participated in the first annual Chelsea Pond Hockey Tournament. It was organized by a friend of ours and held at the pond just around the corner from our place. We had our first game and got thumped 15-6. Regardless of the score it was really fun and quite a unique experience to play on the pond. The organizers have build two full sized European sized rinks on the pond and today is a big day out there, games every 30 min from 9 am to 4 pm. We may as well wear our boots by the end of the day because with no flooding, the ice will be mush! I'll try and take some photos today between our games.
After we came home and warmed up, I decided it was time to introduce rice cereal to Madison. She has been so hungry lately and I'm barely able to keep up with nursing her, so at 4 1/2 months, I decided to try it. Abby, of course, wanted to help out so I had her feed her while I video taped and took photos. The only problem with that was Madison just wanted to eat her fingers so Abby was struggling with how to get the spoon in her mouth! It was quite funny. And not surprisingly she liked it and was happy to get some food in her!
Now working backwards from New Years... we had a wonderful week in between Christmas and now. The girls were home and we had fun hanging out together. They were a little sick, but nothing more than a cold developed, thankfully! On boxing day there was an ice storm here, and by some miracle our power didn't go off. It would would randomly turn off for a second then back on again, but nothing sustained, which is usually the case when that happens. The days following the storm were so incredibly beautiful. Everything had a thin layer of ice and when you stood outside in the quiet windless day, it sounded like tiny pieces of glass breaking all around you.
And for Christmas, I won't have much to post. It was a fun and tiring day, lots of gift opening, eating and family. I didn't take nearly enough photos and of what I did, they all really suck! I'm too distracted on Christmas morning to get my photo taking self together, it's funny! It happens every year and I look back on it kind of sad because I wish I had done a better job of capturing the day! It's just so overwhelming! Next year will be slightly easier since I won't be nursing anymore... but we'll see!
Anyway Off to bed - I started this at 7:00 am, it's 9:15 pm now, and my body needs rest after playing so much hockey in two days! Night!
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