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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Raw Addiction

I think I'm addicted to photographing in RAW. I didn't exactly switch right away when I got my camera. I had to upgrade Photoshop because the version I had didn't recognize my version of RAW and when I finally did upgrade, I still shot .JPG and RAW at the same time, so I would have both versions of the same photo. I thought about why I would bother doing that, and couldn't figure out why anymore so I switched to RAW. I then shot exclusively in RAW for a while, but then I started to think about the huge amount of memory it consumes, so I decided that I would strickly shoot RAW for any photo shoots I do, but keep it to .jpg for my own family spontaneous shoots I do, and if the lighting conditions were tricky I would switch. Today, was such a day where all the photos I took were the usualy weekend fun, but I felt the whole time like I really should be switching to RAW. The conditions weren't terribly difficult, full sun, but nice shade to work with. But I still felt this nagging feeling like I should switch to RAW. So at the end the day when the sun was setting I switched, I just couldn't help it! So there we go another GIG of memory gone! But now I have some nice beautiful RAW to play with... ahhh I feel better already!! (Photos to follow... got to go to bed!!)


Anonymous July 5, 2009 at 10:47 PM  

Must be an addiction that creeps up on you slowly...not there yet. I will post my raw & post processed photos tonight or tomorrow.

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