Wedding Workshop and Tulips
I've been MIA for a while now, since Thursday. Things have been crazy and I had no time (or energy) to update my blog... Saturday and Sunday were spent at the Algonquin College Wedding Photography Workshop and then Monday was spent photographing the beautiful tulips.
The workshop was interesting. Each day we had the morning in the classroom, and the afternoon was spent shooting a bride and groom. They were just stand-ins to the real thing, but it was still fun to have a woman dressed up in a bride dress, and a man in a suit. There were 15 of us in the class, all taking it for various reasons, whether it was to open a business or because they were shooting a family member's wedding that summer. Unfortunately the weather really wasn't that great, so we were really limited in where we could shoot. We were at the Stitsville United church on Saturday and the Algonquin College green house on the Sunday. Overall the weekend was challenging and somewhat humbling, because it really showed us that to take photos under pressure in crappy conditions (ugly church on a rainy day!!) is really tough. I'm not totally turned off of shooting a wedding, I'd just rather mentor someone for a summer before plunging right into it on my own!
Sunday was Mother's day and unfortunately I wasn't home to be pampered and feted, but I did get the weekend "off" which was more than enough to ask for in my mind, so I had a fun mother's day in the end. Abby put together an art project at daycare which was cute and fun to see. She is really starting to grow up and to see her create things (with Phyllis' help) is fun!
Monday morning I had arranged to meet a woman from my photography class, to get up really early and meet down to Dow's Lake to photograph the tulips. They were so beautiful and in perfect bloom, it's so hard not to take a million photos! I did fill up a whole 8 Gb memory card with flower pictures, some good and some bad. Here are some samples (SOOC - too tired to edit! and I don't think they need it):And then today after work I picked up the kids and took then down to Major's Hill Park to see what was happening at the Tulip Festival. Not much really and I must say pretty pathetic this year. But for a 3 year old, just to get to ride on a Merry-go-Round is exciting enough, so it was worth it!
Notice that I cut Gillian's hair... her bangs to be specific... she looks so different! Like a big girl!Anyway, off to play... I'm so behind, I'm already a week off in our Scrapbooking Layout challenge!
Hey I was starting to worry about you! The wedding workshop sounds interesting, what r u doing next? Love the tulips. Gillian is looking like a big girl!! Can't believe you will have another one this summer :-)
It looks like these tulip photos will be perfect for this week's layout challenge!
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