Weekend Madness
Ok. So I'm somewhat calm now, but this weekend wasn't short of hellish. The reason - NO WATER!!! We had the dishwasher fixed last Tuesday, or something, can't remember. Then that night or Wed night, I'm trying to fill the bathtub for the girls, when all of a sudden - no more water! Eric tried to fiddle with the pump and nothing... well with multiple visits from the plumber Friday, Saturday and Today, we now have a brand new well pump, and are a poop load of money down the hole - literally!! Frig - what else will go wrong around here?? What's next??
To top it all off it was cold, rained like crazy for two solid days, and thie kids were a little nuts, so needless to say I'm happy to say goodbye to this weekend and look forward to next weekend, which will be long, and have water and electricity going the whole time!!
Regardless of how the weekend was, you can always guarantee that photos were taken, that probably make it look like it was a great weekend:

I like the rain photo :-) I really am a BC girl!
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