I am here, really I am..
So, I failed miserably at last weeks Friday photo challenge. Jen's challenge was to use a long exposure in a nigh time or dark place. I just didn't get it done. Partially because I'm a perfectionist and I wanted the best, coolest photo - like parliament hill at night, or cars passing by to make a streak in the photo, or even more cool, I wanted to catch skaters at night at the local pond in the evening when the lights were on and they were playing hockey... well anyway, I'm hoping you can visualize my photos because you won't see them posted. I never took them! But also it was because I had to be out and night, in the dark and cold... blah blah.. anyway we're going out on Friday night so I'd like to try and take those pics that night. Anyway, just because I didn't get them done, doesn't mean I can't come up with a new challenge. I decided that for this week we needed to take at least 3 photos, on 3 different days at the exact same time. This will definitely be a challenge because of our unpredictable life with kids!
Anyway, a recap of what happened on the weekend, as it was out last weekend of vacation and now we are back at work... highlights were spending a final two days with the family. I find it amazing how Gillian has grown up, and changed even over the two weeks of Christmas. She is trying so hard to speak, and can say a few things that I understand: done, banana, num-nums (the universal terminology for "give me food, I'm hungry"), Hi!, Bye! and of course she sings and loves to sing! Her hair grew an inch, I swear! She can run and climb like a 3 year old, very agile that way like Abby is.
We took Abigail out skating for the first time on Sunday afternoon. We dug out the skates and helmet and put them on her in the basement in the morning to get her all psyched up. It worked, she was walking around the basement with no support from us, so that was a good sign, but even better that she thought it was so funny when she fell down! We went out to the local pond in the afternoon when the weather was a little warmer and went skating for the first time. Now I know I'm her Mom, and yes biased because of that, but I was truly shocked at how well she did. We were out there for about an hour and didn't cry. She figured out how to get up from a fall all on her own to a standing position within 30 min, and by 45 min was screaming at me not to hold her. Mind you she couldn't actually move without my help, but it was pretty cool that she didn't want me to hold her up by the end of it! We took periodic breaks by putting her into the sled with Gillian, and Eric flung then around the rink and they loved that! Gillian was giggling her pants off when they would turn a corner and almost fly out of the sled (I on the other hand was mildly freaking out because I could just envision then both tumbling out and hitting their heads on the ice!) I can't wait to take them out again, and even go to the Canal!
Here are some shots:

It's a wonderful community supported rink on a huge picturesque
pond about 5 min from home. Typical Canadian scene.

Finally a parting shot:
Your children are extremely athletic. They must take after their 'old lady' ;-)
I'm looking forward to hearing more about your photography class.
I am so impressed that Abby is skating so well. Wow!
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