Abstract and update
I have to say that this week's 365 challenge was really tested! I think it's because I had 4 days of training (Business Analysis: how to gather and document user requirements... ugh) which sucked the creative life force from me, big time!! It was an intense 4 day course (which was relevant to my job, but too intense for right now). So after fighting traffic to get home, trying to make dinner, putting the kids to sleep, I was so dead tired, that taking a photo was the last thing I wanted to do! But, on the bright side I did manage to get a couple photos for the challenge this week: Abstract. Here it is:

in my photography class.

(It's ironic, Jen has a similar photo! Her's is a fleece sweater though)
Yesterday was a jammed packed day of fun. It started with Abby's ballet class. My Mom came to watch this time, so we stayed in the room and I took some photos. (note to self: must learn how to take photos under florescent and low light when action is involved!)

1. Black on Black doesn't work (duh), however, I like the effect in some photos.
2. I need a wider angle lens which has the speed (like they always say - you need good glass!!), next time I'll rent a wider angle lens, because while I loved what my 50 mm 1.4 gave it didn't have enough play in the wide-angleness!
3. Wait until the subject is bigger in the belly! I'm sure Shawna feels big enough, but she wasn't big enough to really get the money pregnancy shots.
4. Need a better backdrop system, this curtain thing just doesn't work for me!!
5. Print out a book of sample poses, and ideas so that when the ideas start to wain, and we are both getting tired, we can take a peek at it and get some inspiration.
Otherwise, it being my first time doing this, I was extremely happy with how they turned out. I got about 16 printable shots for a 1 1/2 hour session. With practice and experience, I'd like to get that up to at least 20-30 for a 2 hour session. Another positives were:
1. I loved it and can't wait to do it again, and again! And learn more each time.
2. The light in this room was perfect - I'm really lucky to have this resource at hand and that I don't need to worry about setting up lighting as well as a studio;
3. I think the shots of Shawna are beautiful and she'll have some great memories to keep;
4. She is willing to do it again when she is closer to her due date, so clearly it wasn't a total disaster for her;
5. Learned a lot, and have a lot of lessons learned to build from.
Anyone want to be my next guinea pig?? :)
Off to get ready for Vegas, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog for the next week. Can't wait to see what I can take photos of!