Cool, I got props from the Guru.
This week I felt pretty proud of this:
I received a private message from Ali Edwards asking if she could post my layout on her blog. She was doing a post on translation in the creative language and how people translated her templates into their own creation. And my Gratitute page of Gillian was chosen among 6 others to illustrate her point. (for those of you who don't know who Ali Edwards is, she is a guru in the scrapbooking world - so to get props from her is pretty cool!).
Now its the weekend, I hope to pull out the camera and take lots of pics of the girls. I'd like to set up a little studio in our living room, since it's the best place to take indoor photos. We have 2 stories of windows (great for light, bad for heating bills!) which is perfect, I just have to figure out how to rig a backdrop. I tried nailing a black sheet to the ceiling once before:

But you can see how great the light is, especially for catch lights.
I found the sheet too small, it picked up the dust like crazy (it was basically black felt) and it fell down easily. I think I've come up with a plan to be able to put up whatever backdrop I want, and it be relatively secure (as secure as it's going to get with two little girls running around!). I'll work on it tomorrow, if I get a chance to do some shopping, but it essentially is going to be a small curtain rod fastened to the end of the ceiling with fabric hanging from it. I wonder what Eric will think of my plan!! :)
It's funny, just before I went to post this I took a peek at Jen's blog and she also wrote about her home studio today!! Too funny!! Great minds think alike! (Jen I'm off to get me a G&T!!)
Yes great minds :-) If you look at only the bottom half of your photo, it looks like a great studio shot. I use a white, sheer curtain. I'll post a photo of a shot I did with the backdrop like that for you to see. I realized after I wrote that, I didn't even have any pics with it as my backdrop!
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