Beautiful Thanksgiving Weekend
We had our friend Beth and Chris over for supper last night, along with their kids. We ate Raclette, and had Apple Crisp for dessert (this is my favourite crisp recipe). All was yummy and we were all pretty stuffed after (except for Amelia :) mixing ain't her thing, and everything I made for the kids was "mixed" up!! I feel bad, hopefully she got an apple when she got home!) . As Beth mentioned on her blog - hopefully one day we'll be able to hang out together longer when the kids are able to stay up past 7:00 pm! Abby was up until 8:15 or so, which is really late for her. Needless to say she slept in this morning.
Today was a beautiful day! There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and it was warm and dry, so we spent a good part of our day outside. We did some raking, and almost lost Gillian in the pile:

We were thinking of going for a walk in the woods, but naps got in the way, so we just hung out here. Which was fine, we were all a bit tired and really had no agenda today. Tomorrow we'll have our big Thanksgiving feast at Eric's parents place, which should be nice!
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