I haven't blogged all week!! In part because the girls have been sick and more in part because I've been too tired every night. Ugh! I feel so out of touch, but really I don't have a desire to be on my computer...weird eh?? Must be the hormones!
Anyway a quick recap of Vegas. Conference wasn't so interesting, and smoky casinos were not for me. I'm glad I saw it, doubt I'll ever go back unless I'm paid to do so. The surrounding landscape is beautiful so that would be the only draw again. It's very expensive, so if you plan on going, plan on spending a lot! Here are some highlight photos:

Outside of the Hotel Casino "Paris"

I liked the look of this awning.

Inside "Paris". Huge Casino in the middle,
then shops and "cobble stone streets" surrounding it.

Exiting Bally's

Caesar's Palace though the Bally's arch.

Halted construction of new hotel casino's on the strip.
With the downturn, all of the construction is basically
stopped in Las Vegas. The cranes stand still.

The MGM Grand Lion - this was a HUGE casino!

New York New York Hotel Casino

No description necessary.

Free music and water show outside
the Bellagio

Caesar's Palace behind the Bellagio

Front facade of The Venitian
Another Huge labyrinth of a casino and shops.

Ceiling of the Venetian

The Venitian Canals

St. Marc's square. The roof is
painted like the sky, so it looks like "outside" 24 hours a day!

We took a 1/2 day trip to Hover Dam
This is the Colorado River downstream of the dam.
You can see at the top where they are building the new hwy.

Hover Dam

Rented a car and drove out to Red Rock Canyon - beautiful!

This week was busy, as it was back to work, the kids were sick, I had my photo class Wed night, then the best part on Wednesday we had our first ultrasound. All went well. I drank too much water, as always, the baby was jumping around like crazy, so that was fun to see. Heart Rate was 138, so Eric is convinced it's a boy. Can't imagine having a boy, so we'll just have to see!
Here is the photo. Not much to see really, head is to the right, legs were all scrunched up, thumb was in the mouth most of the time this is at 12 weeks:

Off to veg in front of the TV and eat ice cream bars!