The snow was crazy today!! And thus the traffic was even more crazy! I had to take both girls to the dentist this morning, and it was to be Abby's first time. I was pretty nervous about taking her because I thought she would be scared and not want to open her mouth, being 3 and all that isn't uncommon. Eric's Dad joined me to help take care of Abby when Gillian was being checked and vice versa. We left around 9:00 am and got there at 10:25 - almost an hour and half for a normally 40 min drive. I was actually quite shocked that we got there on time, as were the dentist's office, so they put us through right away to try and stay on schedule.
We are lucky to be able to go to a Paediatric Dentist specialist, because of Gillian's wonky teeth, and lucky because he was willing to see both girls. Gillian is doing well, her teeth are progressing as to be expected, the front teeth haven't come down much but things go pretty slowly in her mouth. So all was good on her side. As for Abby - she was amazing! And that had a lot to do with the fabulous staff and the way they handled a new, 3 year old, patient! The hygienist brought her in and she slowly showed her how the chair moves around, giving her "rides", then she got to choose a funky pair of sunglasses to wear to keep the bright light out of her eyes, then showed her the little tiny mirror and let her play with it and stick it in her mouth, let her feel the pointy "teeth counter", gave her a cute pink (of course!!) mirror to hold while she opened her mouth, and had her teeth counted. I have been talking up the dentist for a long time now, practicing with Abby to open her mouth when asked and say AH! So when it came to doing it, she practically had her mouth before she even sat down! It was so cute. I could tell she was a little nervous, but was being really brave, so the hygienist decided to show her the polishing stuff. She let Abby choose a flavour (cherry), then let her feel the polishing brush while spinning with her finger, then best part of it all, let her play with the water squirting thing and the suction instrument. She would squirt a bit in a little cup, then let Abby suck it up. When she was ok with that she let Abby put it in her mouth to try. Then she polished up her teeth and actually got to do each one.
After she was done the Dentist came over to check her out, measured her Dyastima (3), and then told Abby he was going to put the tiny mirror in her mouth to check things out. Abby was so cool, calm and collected that she actually said to him, "Oh, give it to me, I can do that". Too funny! So, all in all, her teeth are healthy, he noted the space between her teeth (dyastima) and the large freneum ligament, which Gillian also has, and when they are both around 5 they will determine if it needs cutting. I see braces in our future.... better start saving.
Did a couple quick pages tonight:

What's in store for tomorrow you ask: Transit strike in Ottawa (fingers crossed they don't), more snow and freezing rain, and a trip to CHEO for Gillian's Ambliopia check up.