Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Maine part two
I left off at:
July 23rd, 2008
WOW, a sunny day!! Look, is that shadow I see:
Since it was sunny, we were again at the beach around 8:00 am. On this day we actually had to put sunscreen on the girls! It did get a little cloudy at one point but generally it was a beautiful day, so we spent a good long time at the beach in the morning. It was much more crowded this day, which made things a little more complicated with Gillian. She kept eying people's beach chairs and then would try and climb up on them... I would whisk her away screaming at me because she wanted to sit in a chair!
Abby had a great time playing in the sand, running around on the beach and hopping waves with me:

It was time for lobster so that afternoon we went to O'Rilley's to pick up some lobster and Sandborns for some giant scallops.

July 24th, 2008.
It was another cloudy day, so we decided to go for a drive. We were thinking of going to a zoo in York, but it wasn't opening until 10:00 am and looked a little pathetic, so we decided to have breakfast in Ogunquit. I had stayed there as a kid and it was a cute little seaside town with lots of little shops. The problem was that there were millions of people too! It was nuts. The beach there is big and long, so I think that is why it's so popular. After eating we walked down to the beach for a short visit but didn't stay to swim or hang out.

So cute!
It was a good decision, because the girls were getting really tired, and we were too, thus tempers running a little short for everyone. But when we arrived it Stowe, it was like a weight lifting. We were halfway home, in a place that felt like home and the sun came out for us on Friday the 25th. We did a quick tour, checking out Nana and Bigdad's old house (available for $525,000):

All while the girls had their best "car sleep" of the trip
They were out for a couple of hours.
A few videos in parting:
The first day at the ocean:
This is Gillian eating some sand:
Posted by Christine at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: children, Maine, photographs
Monday, July 28, 2008
Maine the recap...
So Maine... we went from July 19th to the 25th. Our trip started with a one day driving marathon from Chelsea to Kennebunkport, Maine . It was a long 9 hour trip, that in retrospect should have been done it two days! Abby was easily entertained, with surprise bags I had prepared for her, books, food and drinks. Gillian, on the other hand, was not so easily entertained. When we'd stop to stretch the legs, and change a diaper, she would scream and fight being put back into the car seat. Do we blame her? NO, I would two if I was one year old and strapped into a car seat unable to move for hours!! So we didn't do any sightseeing, except for Eric's "kid in the candy shop" stop at the New Hampshire State Liquor store!!
July 20th, 2008
On a side note, we were staying at our friends condo near Goose Rocks Beach (see map). It was a cute little two bedroom place with access to both indoor and outdoor pools, and gym and games room, which we used a lot because of the rain.
On our first official day there, we decided to hit the beach! Goose Rocks Beach was fantastic. The sand was so soft and fun to play in, and when the tide was out, the space was great for Gillian and Abby to run free in!

July 21st, 2008
Unfortunately the second night spent at the condo was a sleepless one as Gillian once again decided that she couldn't sleep from 12:00 am to 3:00 am, and still woke up at 5:30!!! So we were progressively getting more and more tired. But in order to make the best of it, and being up so early, meant getting to the beach early and getting a prime spot (as we were the only family on the beach -- all others were the early morning joggers!)
Day two provided us with a little more sun, but really only glimpses of it from time to time!

July 22nd, 2008
We decided to go to Kittery, for some outlet shopping on the Tuesday, since it was raining again and we thought that it would be a good plan to shop on the not-so-nice day. It was good, I finally bought Gillian a couple pairs of shoes at the Stride Rite shop as well as some cute clothes for the girls. Eric bought some nice clothes and I got myself a raincoat and some stuff from J. Crew. All in all it was a good, quick, shopping trip to Kittery!
Stay tuned for the continuation of the Maine Recap... as it only gets more and more exciting from here!! I'm off to bed!!
Posted by Christine at 9:25 PM 1 comments
Labels: children, Maine, photographs
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Back from Maine...
We're back!! I'm not going to post all the details tonight, since I'm still trying to recover, but in short: It was fun, stressful, tiring, good shopping, great lobster and scallops, WET, sandy and far. The details, with photos, will follow hopefully tomorrow, if I get a chance to write!
Here's a quick pic of us at the beach:Later!
Posted by Christine at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
On Vacation!!
Yeah! The car is packed, the car is gassed up and were off to Maine tomorrow! I'm excited and Abby is excited too. She has been telling people all week that she was going to the pick sea shells and see whales in the ocean. I've been telling people I'm going to be eating lobster all week. Gillian is oblivious to what is going on, but I keep telling her anyway. I hope the drive goes well, it will take a while to get there, and were are doing it all in one day!
Since I'll be gone, I won't be blogging all next week! I'll go into withdrawals! I'll bring my journal along so I can record it all when I get back - with photos of course!
In the mean time, I leave you with these 7 pages I did today. I was catching up with my Bruce Peninsula book and did a scraplift over at DD.
See you in a week!!
Posted by Christine at 9:32 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I love looking at old photos
I would often pull down our family albums from our childhood when I still lived with my parents. I still enjoy to flip through them from time to time. And now that I have the scanner, I plan to digitize some of the old photos and slides and clean them up. All I need is a plan of action because there are a million slides and photos to scan!
Now instead of flipping through albums, I'm clicking through digital photos. I figure I started taking digital photos about 3 1/2 years ago when my dad bought his first Canon G2 camera. I find that totally amazing because it feels like we've been using digital for much longer than that, and I already have amassed hundreds of photos!
I was flipping through the set we took on our vacation to New Brunswick in July 2006. And memories came flooding back.... Abby was 11 months old, and had a terrible time sleeping that week, so it was brutal in those regards (otherwise it was great - weather, food, beach etc)!! I remember she was sleeping in the playpen and each night she would sleep less and less, waking up earlier and earlier and not going back to sleep. We would put her in the stroller and walk her around in circles, we even loaded her into the car and drove for miles to Jacket River at 1:00 am. If it was today, I think I would have just let her cry it out, but back then we were suffering from first child syndrome, and we also didn't want to disturb the others in the house at the time. Finally, near the end of the week, I couldn't take it any longer and I just wanted to go home, so we packed the car and were going to leave for home the first moment Abby woke up. I was prepared to leave at midnight if we had to and drive the 12 hours home! All I wanted was to get home so she would sleep and then we could sleep!!
The car was packed up with all of our stuff, gassed up and ready to go... and what happened... she slept the whole night. As it turns out Gail, my mother in law, suggested that maybe the bottom of the playpen was too hard, and that we could try laying a blanket down to soften it up... duh!! How could I have been so dumb!! The playpen was rock hard, so no wonder she didn't want to sleep, she was miserable! Another note taken for our parenting manual as a lesson learned...

Abby would love this now!

Posted by Christine at 9:39 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
A day at the office and Independence
Worked today, here is a quick synopsis of my day:
- wake up at (5:30 am)
- try and eat something (I have a lot of trouble eating that early!!)
- pack my pannier bags (hopefully not forgetting the essentials!)
- jump in the car
- drive to Mousette Beach and park (20 min)
- get my bike off the car
- bike to work (25 min)
- shower
- log into my computer (7:30 am)
- work until colleagues get me for coffee at Tim's (9:30 am)
- work some more
- go for lunch when colleague comes to get me for lunch (11:45 am)
- work some more
- change for biking (3:15 pm)
- bike to car
- drive to Chelsea, sometimes stopping off at the grocery store for food)
- pick up girls (4:30 pm)
- get home and feed screaming baby and girl
- prepare dinner
- eat dinner (6:00 pm)
- give girls bath
- put girls to bed (7:00 pm)
- come down to have some me time playing!!
- crash and go to bed (10:00 pm)
- tend to crying child (3:30 am)
My friend Beth blogged about independence in her children and it made me think of our life and how we are at the very infancy of independence in Abby. Tonight was a perfect example. Abby was done dinner, so she excused herself politely (OK maybe in my little fantasy world she did, but in reality she said "I'm done" and got down from the table), she went into the kitchen and we heard rummaging around in the lazy-susan cupboard. She came walking back with a bag of cookies in her hand for dessert. Opened the bag and grabbed a couple of cookies, then jumped up in her chair and started eating them... the next thing that happened was that after her cookies, she went up to the TV room and started yelling "Mommy - turn on the TV!!!" I said no, if she wanted to watch she would have to turn it on herself (which she had never done before). I added that if she needed me to point out the power button, she could bring the TV controller down and I would show her. She apparently didn't need even that amount of help because the next thing we heard, she was yelling "Mommy!! I turned the TV on!!!". I realized when I read Beth's blog that while she was a few years down the line on us, we were just at the very beginning and that I should really cherish every moment that I have with them as little girls. We all know that as time moves on they become more independent and as a result more distant. I certainly did when I was a young girl!! It must have been tough on my parents. But no matter what I always loved them just the same even if I never really showed it.
Posted by Christine at 8:48 PM 1 comments